
MemberWise Jobs provides numerous services to fill vacancies with competent, experienced professionals. We also offer full candidate search services or can manage your campaign across multiple jobs boards on your behalf. Please contact jobs@memberwise.org.uk for more information. If you want to know about some of our previous support, take a look here

A summary of the jobs board packages can be found below. For our other workforce development services please see further below. 

*All prices exclude VAT.

Other Recruitment Services

Fully managed vacancy advertising campaigns

If you need a little more support for your advertising campaign and/or want to advertise across multiple jobs boards at a discounted rate? We can do this on your behalf tapping into other national jobs boards such as LinkedIn, Reed, TotalJobs etc at large discounted rates (savings of £400+ per job ad*). For more information please Contact Us directly to discuss your requirements.

Candidate Search and Screening

We specialise in recruiting for professional bodies, membership organisations and trade associations. With direct sector experience we have unmatched abilities to find the most suitable talent from across the sector for permanent positions (we will also consider fixed term contract roles). With exclusive access to our highly esteemed professional network it’s likely that there’s a perfect candidate for you – our extensive searches and screening ensure we can find your next colleague. For more information please Contact Us directly to discuss your requirements.

External Panel Representative

Do you need an independent, external representative to support your recruitment? It might be that you have both internal and external candidates applying for a post. To ensure that you are able prove a non-discriminatory process, why not invite a representative from MemberWise to assist in the process? Services include CV reviewing to being on the interview panel. For more information please Contact Us directly to discuss your requirements.

Workforce Planning

Are you planning to restructure your membership support teams/departments? This is quite a daunting task and will benefit from experienced support in order to ensure that you are implementing positive adjustments to your services. MemberWise can provide this by helping to review the current structure and how it might look after the restructure. If you would like to know more, please Contact Us to discuss your requirements.

Membership Staff Duties Review

Are you planning to introduce a new membership-related role or perhaps reviewing your current job descriptions for existing staff? Sometimes managers are satisfied with the overall structure of the team/department, but could do with assistance in checking that current roles and duties are fit for purpose. By getting independent support we can help you identify any gaps that might exist and tailor support so that job roles sync up in a positive way, benefitting both organisation and the membership it serves. Please Contact Us directly to discuss your requirements further.


*when compared with purchasing indiviudal job ads on each board.